10 Mindfulness Tips to Help You Find Inner Peace

Producer: Peuli Bakshi

Take slow, deep breaths to bring your attention to the present moment and calm your nervous system.

Deep Breathing

Spend time in nature, observing the sights, sounds, and smells around you without distraction.

Nature Observation

Eat slowly and savour each bite, paying attention to the flavours, textures and sensations of the food.

Mindful Eating

Reflect on things you are grateful for, fostering a positive mindset and appreciation for the present.

Gratitude Practice

Take breaks from screens to reduce information overload and cultivate a sense of calm.

Digital Detox

Use guided meditation recordings or apps to help you focus your mind, relax and heal.

Guided Meditation

Practice accepting the present moment as it is, without wishing it to be different.

Practice Acceptance

Engage in mindful yoga, paying attention to your breath and the sensations in your body as you move.


Focus on one task at a time, giving it your full attention, rather than multitasking at times.


Write down your thoughts and feelings, helping you process emotions and gain clarity.

Mindful Journaling