10 Rare Birds Found on Earth

Producer: Peuli Bakshi


Also known as the night parrot, this flightless New Zealand parrot is critically endangered.

Imperial Amazon

This parrot is found in Dominica and is very less in number, due to habitat loss and hunting.

Spoon-billed Sandpiper

This small wader, known for its distinctive spoon-shaped bill, is a rare sight.

Orange-bellied Parrot

Found in Australia, it's critically endangered, with a highly restricted range.

Bali Myna

Also known as the Bali starling, it is very limited in number, and found only on the island of Bali.

Golden Pheasant

Native to China, the population of this popular, ornamental bird has been declining due to habitat loss.

Rufous-headed Hornbill

Also known as Walden's hornbill, they are endemic to the Philippines, and are endangered.

Blue-eyed Ground-Dove

This small bird is known for its striking blue eye-ring and is near-threatened due to habitat loss.

South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher

This kingfisher is native to the Philippines, and is listed as vulnerable due to habitat loss.

Stresemann's Bristlefront

This rare bird is endemic to Brazil, and is known for its distinctive bristles near its eyes.