5 things that happen when you stop  eating sugar

Too much sugar increases risk of  high blood pressure, heart, and liver diseases. But what happens when we quit sugar?

TooYes. Your mood changes drastically if you love sugar. Why: Sugar releases feel-good hormones — dopamine and serotonin. Less of that is changes mood.

1 Mood changes

Sugar causes inflammation in skin, so the less you eat, the clearer your complexion may become

2. You get clearer skin

Processed sugars are among the top reasons behind acne. Diets rich in refined sugar (pastries, cake, cookies) can lead to insulin spikes which, in turn, causes skin inflammation.

Cutting sugar from your diet can improve the overall quality of your sleep in the long run

3. You sleep better

Wrinkles, pigmentation in your twenties? Blame it on the sugar. Sugar, according to studies, causes glycation, eating up collagen and elastin in your skin.

4. Reduces ageing

Sugar itself doesn't make you gain weight. Eating an excessive amount can contribute to weight gain. 

5. You lose weight  but hang on...

Processed sugars are different than the natural sugars found in fruit, honey, and unsweetened milk. Refined sugars are high in calories, and have no real nutritional value, while natural sugars contain vitamins and minerals.

Know your sugar