Ramadan 2024: 6 reasons to begin Iftar with dates


By Priyanka Deshpande

Published March 12, 2024

Dates have been traditionally used to break the fast during Ramadan for centuries. The practice is believed to emulate the Prophet Muhammad's tradition, as he would break his fast with dates and water.

Apart from cultural and religious importance, using dates for iftar is a gentle way to reintroduce food and fluids to the body after fasting. Take a look at the many health benefits of dates.

Rich in natural sugars, dates offer a rapid energy boost — ideal for breaking the fast during Ramadan. This quick energy release replenishes glucose levels and revitalises the body after a day of fasting.

Energy booster


Dates are loaded with vital nutrients like potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and iron, promoting overall well-being by supporting heart health, bone strength, and optimal functioning of various bodily systems.

Rich in Nutrients


With high dietary fiber content, dates aid digestion and support a healthy gut. Including dates in Iftar helps prevent constipation, regulates bowel movements, and facilitates a smoother digestive process after a day of fasting.

Rich in Fiber


Dates, with their high water content, naturally rehydrate the body after a day of fasting, restoring fluid balance and preventing dehydration during the fasting period.



Packed with antioxidants, dates fight oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and contribute to overall health. Their properties may offer protection against chronic diseases, making them an excellent addition to the Ramadan diet.

Rich in Antioxidant


Dates offer a natural and healthier alternative to refined sugars, satisfying sweet cravings while providing essential nutrients. They are a nutritious choice for those aiming to maintain a balanced diet during the holy month.

Natural Sweetener


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Ramadan 2024: 10 healthy Iftar dishes to try