Japan is home to the world’s longest-living people. Many attribute this to their eating method.

A traditional Japanese diet consists of fresh seasonal fish, seafood, plant-based foods with minimal amounts of animal protein, added sugars, and fat.

Japanese diet offers several health benefits, including improved weight loss, digestion, longevity, and promoting overall health.

The Japanese use small utensils to avoid overating

The cooking is either simmered, steamed, boiled or grilled. Frying and sauteeing is less. They don't cook or fry at high heat because this can cause nutrients to break down.

Their food is rich in soy products, seafood, tubers, green and yellow vegetables (including pickles), fruit, mushrooms, and green tea.

Eggs, dairy products, and meat are consumed in moderation. Canned food is no-no

They use fermented seasonings (soy sauce, miso, vinegar, mirin, and sake) and rely less on salt and sugar. 

Japanese avoid overpowering their dishes with spices and keep them as natural as possible

They stop eating when they are 80% full -- a philosophy called “Hara Hachibu”.