The most powerful passport. India's rank is...

The US has slipped two spots and Singapore has unseated Japan as the country with the most powerful passport

The US has slipped two spots and Singapore has unseated Japan as the country with the most powerful passport

The ranking is based on latest International Air Transport Association data that shows the most ease of access to other countries for travelers. 

The ranking is based on latest International Air Transport Association data that shows the most ease of access to other countries for travelers. 

The US passport is ranked 8th, a decline of two places from last quarter.

The US passport is ranked 8th, a decline of two places from last quarter.

1. Singapore: 192 spots 2. Germany, Italy, Spain: 190 spots 3. Austria, Finland, France, Japan, South Korea, Sweden: 189 spots 4. Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, UK: 188 spots 5. Belgium, Czech Republic, Malta, NZ, Norway, Portugal, and Switzerland: 187 spots 6. Australia, Australia, Hungary, Poland: 186 spots 7. Canada, Greece: 185 spots 8. US, Lithuania: 184 spots 9. Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia: 183 spots 10. Estonia, Iceland: 182 spots

The Top 10

India has improved its position by 5 spots from last year, and is currently ranked 80th on the index along with Togo and Senegal, with visa-free access to 57 countries.

India has improved its position by 5 spots from last year, and is currently ranked 80th on the index along with Togo and Senegal, with visa-free access to 57 countries.

At the bottom of the list is Afghanistan with easy access to 27 destinations. Yemen (99), Pakistan (100), Syria (101) and Iraq (102) round up the bottom five.

At the bottom of the list is Afghanistan with easy access to 27 destinations. Yemen (99), Pakistan (100), Syria (101) and Iraq (102) round up the bottom five.