Why you need  to include yogurt  in your diet

Pool of protein

That's right. Most yogurt varieties have close to 10g of protein per serving, which keeps you feeling full through the day. It has all the nine essential amino acids the body needs to stay fit.


Best for gut 

Its probiotic content improves gut health, cuts digestive problems and boosts immunity.


No weighty issues

Yogurt controls obesity and weight gain. Its high-protein nature leaves you feeling full, so you won't overeat


Boon for bones

Abundant in calcium, yogurt is good for keeping bones strong and healthy. A single serving has 30% of the daily recommended amount of calcium.


Keeps you healthy

Yogurt helps in keeping heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure in check. It improves cholesterol levels.


How to have yogurt?

You can try it as a smoothie, a dip or spread. It can be also used in marinades or dressings. Add some yogurt to fresh fruit or nuts for a boost.

Yogurt in your diet cuts the risk of excess weight and obesity, but it’s unclear if simply adding it to your diet aids weight loss. Replacing low protein, high calorie snacks with yogurt, however, does help.