5 Nutrition Tips for Women During Menopause

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Drink enough fluids

With age, you may slowly lose your sense of thirst. This means you can become less hydrated without even noticing it which is not good for your health. Many menopausal symptoms may be reduced simply by drinking more fluids.

 Avoid alcohol

Alcohol can worsen hot flashes and make it harder to stay asleep. Additionally, it can also make a person forgetful and confused and can even lead to loss of muscle mass, balance problems, and accidents.

Reduce spicy foods, sugar and caffeine

 If hot flashes bother you, consider avoiding common triggers like spicy foods and caffeine. According to a study, menopausal women who ate more sweets, fats and snacks suffered more than those who ate more fruits and vegetables.

Watch calories

 At 50 years, you need about 200 fewer calories per day than you did during your 30s and 40s. If you continue to eat the same amount of food, you will definitely start gaining weight.

 Eat higher quality foods

A study showed that menopausal women who ate the most greens had fewer complaints. Further, by eating more nutrient-rich foods, you will get more vitamins, minerals, fibre, etc., which are essential for overall health.