10-Day Diet Plan to Get in Shape This Diwali

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Drink some warm water with a lemon in the morning.

Incorporate a lean protein source (lentils, poultry, or tofu) into each of your meals.

Take note of serving sizes to prevent overindulging.

Cut back on the amount of refined sugar and carbs you consume.

Add in healthy fats from almonds, avocados, and olive oil, among other sources.

Prepare your Diwali dinner ahead of time, emphasising healthier options.

To get extra antioxidants, sip herbal teas like chamomile or green tea.

To get extra antioxidants, sip herbal teas like chamomile or green tea.

Use deep breathing techniques, meditation, or enjoyable hobbies to manage your stress.

Use a diet tracking software or keep a meal journal to stay accountable.

Before beginning any diet or fitness programme, especially if you have any underlying medical concerns, speak with a healthcare provider.