5 Reasons Why Banana Is Good For Your Skin

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Makes skin soft

In bananas, potassium and manganese are found in abundance, which are very essential elements for making our skin soft and healthy. Manganese helps in increasing the amount of collagen in human skin.

Increases brightness

Bananas have potassium which helps in maintaining the flow of both oxygen and blood to the skin cells. The potassium also helps in providing brightness to the skin.

Improves digestion

Eating bananas daily will increase the glow on the face. The fruit improves the digestive system and cures constipation.

Quick healing

Bananas fasten the rate of healing of the skin. The skin cells heal faster in a person who eats bananas daily. Bananas contain Vitamin C which is known to be beneficial to the skin.

Stay strong

Bananas contain various elements such as iron, potassium, manganese and magnesium. The antioxidant qualities of bananas help a person to remain healthy and strong.