Lesser known Halloween Rituals you may not know

Dumb Supper: Dumb Supper is a tradition with Celtic origins. Participants set an extra place at the dinner table for departed loved ones and serve a meal in silence

Nutcrack Night: In some parts of the United Kingdom, particularly in Northern England, the night before Halloween is known as "Nutcrack Night." People gather to crack nuts around the fire and tell stories. It's a way to celebrate the changing of the seasons

Samhain Rituals: Samhain is a pagan holiday that predates Halloween. Some modern pagans and Wiccans celebrate Samhain with rituals to honor their ancestors, connect with the spirit world, and mark the end of the harvest season

Apple-Related Traditions: In various cultures, apples have been associated with Halloween. For example, in some regions, young people would bob for apples, and in others, they would peel apples and throw the peels over their shoulders

The Dziady Ceremony: In parts of Poland, there's a tradition called "Dziady" where people visit cemeteries and offer food, drink, and candles to the deceased

Soul Cakes: In medieval England, "soul cakes" were baked and distributed to the poor in exchange for prayers for the souls of the deceased

The Legend of Stingy Jack: The tradition of carving jack-o'-lanterns is well-known, but the story behind it is less so. It's said that Jack, a trickster, was denied entrance to heaven and hell and was condemned to roam the Earth with a lantern made from a carved turnip

Hiding Tools: In parts of Ireland, people used to hide all sharp objects and tools on Halloween night to prevent harm from malevolent spirits and fairies