10 Benefits Of Keto Diet

Producer:  Peuli Bakshi Editor: Aparna Singh

Weight Loss

Keto is known for its ability to promote weight loss by inducing a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy.

Appetite Control

It can help control hunger and reduce calorie intake.

Blood Sugar Control

Keto may help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

It can enhance the body's response to insulin, aiding in blood sugar management.

Increased Energy

Many people report increased energy levels and mental clarity on a keto diet.

Reduced Inflammation

Keto may reduce inflammation, which is linked to various chronic diseases.

Improved Blood Lipids

It can lead to improved levels of good cholesterol and reduced levels of triglycerides.

PCOS Management

Keto may help manage PCOS symptoms, including irregular periods and hormonal imbalances.

Acne Reduction

Some people find that keto can lead to clearer skin, possibly due to reduced sugar intake.

Enhanced Physical Performance

Keto can be useful for endurance athletes and some strength athletes.