Yellow Star

4 Herbal Leaves To Reduce Arthritis Pain

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Arthritis, often associated with ageing, is increasingly affecting middle-aged individuals, and various factors contribute to this phenomenon. 

While a sedentary lifestyle is frequently blamed for the spread of arthritis among younger people, it is essential to consider several underlying causes.

Arthritis pain emerges when the body’s uric acid levels exceed 6 mg/dL, leading to excruciating pain near the joints.

This increase in uric acid is often linked to the breakdown of proteins, which produce purines. These purines subsequently transform into uric acid.

As uric acid infiltrates joint bones, crystalline formations develop, gradually thinning the cartilage that cushions the joints.

Consequently, bones begin to rub against each other, resulting in pain. If you are grappling with joint pain, there are natural remedies that may provide relief.

Betel Leaf: Betel leaves contain components that effectively help remove uric acid through urine. Chewing a betel leaf in the morning can alleviate joint pain throughout the day.

Mint Leaf: Mint leaves, known for their multiple health benefits, are rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, and folate. They possess anti-inflammatory properties that reduce joint swelling.

Coriander Leaves: Coriander leaves are packed with therapeutic qualities and various minerals, including calcium, potassium, vitamins C and K. They lower uric acid and creatinine levels in the blood.

Bay Leaf: Bay leaves, not just a culinary ingredient, also offer therapeutic benefits. They possess anti-inflammatory properties, helping reduce joint swelling. Boiling bay leaves in water and consuming the infusion can alleviate knee pain.