5 Signs Chandler Bing Is The Best FRIEND Everyone Deserves

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Chandler Bing is one of the most loved SITCOM characters to have ever appeared on Television.

The character was wonderfully essayed on the show FRIENDS by Matthew Perry.

Not only was Chandler Bing popular for his sarcastic comments but he was loved for his ability to be always there for his friends and for being the Best Friends to his friends.

Chandler had met Ross in Columbia University and no matter how successful he became in life, he never gave up on his old friendships. 

The character growth of Chandler was well defined from the way he went on to have one of the best romances in TV history from being a commitment phobic.

He always stood by his friends through thick or thin, come hail or high water.

He valued friendships like no other and always put in an effort towards  being an incredible buddy.