Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

5 Things To Check Before Buying  Air Purifier 

It's that time of the year again when people find it hard to breathe.

The pollution is the air forces people to wear masks and take other protection.

If you live indoors most of your time, it is advised to get an air purifier to keep the air inside healthy.

But how does one buy an air purifier and what do they need to check.

First, you start with the size and capacity based on the size of your room.

Also check for the noise levels of the air purifier which could be a deciding factor when you buy.

To keep a check on the power bill, get an air purifier with high energy efficiency ratings.

It is also important to check for the after-sale cost of buying a new filter or any repair required.

If you also need protection against bacteria or features like AQI reading that can also be part of the check list.