Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

7 Tips to Overcome Morning Anxiety

Have you ever experienced racing thoughts or uneasiness in the morning, even before you get out of bed?

It is known as morning anxiety, which is still not classified as a medical terminology.

Some amount of anxiety is considered natural. Anxiety becomes a disorder, however, when it becomes excessive. Here are some tips to overcome morning anxiety.

A disciplined morning routine can contribute immensely to relieving the human body from feelings of anxiety and stress.

Paying focus to our breath flow and performing deep breathing exercises can help in calming our nervous system. It also reduces anxiety levels.

Experts believe high caffeine consumption can make anxiety and sleep problems worse. Herbal tea should be preferred, instead of highly-caffeinated beverages like coffee.

The positive thinking that usually comes with enthusiasm is an important part of effective stress management. Proper stress management is linked with many health benefits.

Regular exercise may help in lessening depression and anxiety by releasing feel-good hormones, endorphins.

Try to jot down in a journal the things that are bothering you. When you read them, you will realise that these things are quite trivial or don’t matter.

If you are not able to recover from anxiety even after inculcating these lifestyle changes, you can take the help of a certified mental health professional.