According to the Future of Jobs Report 2023, labour markets will experience significant disruption from macroeconomic trends & technological advancements in the next 5 years, resulting in nearly a quarter of global jobs changing.

Key India findings from the report

The job churn rate stands at 22%, slightly lower than the global average of 23%.

Key India findings from the report

Top positions for driving industry transformation are AI & machine learning specialists & data analysts & scientists.

Key India findings from the report

61% of companies believe wider implementation of ESG standards will spur job growth, while increased adoption of new technologies (59%) & expanding digital access (55%) were also cited as key drivers.

Key global findings from the report

By 2027, the workforce will undergo a net loss of 14 million jobs, with 83 million being eliminated & 69 million new jobs created.

Key global findings from the report

AI & machine learning specialists, sustainability specialists, business intelligence analysts, & information security specialists are the fastest-growing occupations.

Key global findings from the report

Widespread adoption of technology & greater digital access is expected to bring significant changes to the labor market, resulting in a net gain of jobs.

Key global findings from the report

Green transition & localisation of supply chains will lead job growth.

Key global findings from the report

44% of an individual worker's skills will require updating, with a particular focus on analytical & creative thinking as the most crucial areas to prioritise.