8 Plants To Grow To Curb Pollution

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Aloe Vera: Helps remove indoor pollutants and is easy to care for.

Rubber Plant: Effective at removing indoor air pollutants and easy to maintain.

English Ivy: Helps reduce airborne mold and purify indoor air.

Gerbera Daisy: Known for its ability to remove toxins from the air.

Chrysanthemum: Effective at filtering pollutants and adding color to your home.

Boston Fern: Excellent at improving indoor air quality and adding a lush look.

Bamboo Palm: Removes pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde.

Lemon Balm: A fragrant herb that can improve air quality.

Geranium: Helps reduce indoor air pollutants and is aesthetically pleasing.