Ways to recover from Vitamin D Deficiency

Sunlight Exposure: Safe sun exposure is one of the most natural ways to boost your vitamin D levels. Spend time outdoors in the sun regularly, especially during the peak hours when the sun is high in the sky

Dietary Sources: Include vitamin D-rich foods in your diet. These include fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), fortified dairy and plant-based milk, fortified orange juice, and egg yolks.

Supplements: If your deficiency is severe or you have difficulty getting enough vitamin D from sunlight and food, your healthcare provider may recommend vitamin D supplements

Fortified Foods: Consume foods fortified with vitamin D, such as fortified cereals and certain dairy products

Cod Liver Oil: Cod liver oil is a natural source of vitamin D and is available as a supplement. It can help increase your vitamin D levels

UV Lamps:  Some people with severe deficiencies or specific medical conditions may benefit from UV lamps, which simulate the effects of sunlight exposure. Consult a healthcare professional before using one

Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet that includes foods rich in nutrients like calcium and magnesium can support vitamin D absorption and utilization

Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight, as excess body fat can sequester vitamin D and reduce its availability in the bloodstream