10 ways to beat workplace fatigue

Regular, brief breaks during work can help relieve mental and physical exhaustion. Take advantage of these opportunities to stretch, walk, and clear your thoughts.

Limit your use of personal technology during the workday. Constant notifications and distractions might drain your mental energy.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, don't be afraid to decline more duties or commitments that may add to your exhaustion.

Interacting with coworkers can enhance morale and stimulate the mind. Keep social relationships at work to avoid feelings of loneliness.

Make sure your workspace has enough lighting. Poor brightness can cause eye strain and weariness.

A well-organised workspace and task list can help to alleviate mental weariness. 

Regular exercise can increase your energy and improve your general well-being. Include physical activity in your daily routine, even if it's just a quick walk during breaks.

Fatigue can result from chronic stress. To keep relaxed and focused, try stress-reduction strategies such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Fatigue can be exacerbated by dehydration. To stay alert and attentive throughout the day, drink lots of water.