Dhanteras 2023: Gold to mutual funds, buy these things for a prosperous year

By Vivek Dubey


Published Nov 7, 2023

Dhanteras marks Diwali’s start. It combines “Dhan” (wealth) and “Teras” (13th lunar day) in Hindu calendar. Buying gold, silver and utensils on Dhanteras is believed to bring prosperity and good luck:

Jewellery Shopping

Indians buy gold, silver coins, and jewellery on Dhanteras. Even small purchases can accumulate as savings over time.

Invest in Insurance

Dhanteras is ideal for investing in health and term life insurance, ensuring future security for you and your loved ones.

Upgrade Appliances

Dhanteras is perfect for buying home appliances and electronics. Energy-efficient gadgets can lead to long-term savings.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds provide a disciplined approach to investing. Dhanteras can be an ideal time to start this journey.

Equity Investment

Investing in equity on Dhanteras can offer potential for long-term growth. Remember to research and strategise.

Kitchenware Tradition

Buying utensils on Dhanteras is an age-old custom believed to ensure a regular flow of wealth.

Home Ownership

Dhanteras, symbolising wealth and prosperity, could be the perfect time to secure a home.

Vehicle Purchase

Many see Dhanteras as the ideal day to get a new automobile, with dealers offering tempting deals.

Retirement Fund

Start a retirement fund this Dhanteras. Small monthly contributions can grow substantially over time.