Dhanteras: 5 shopping items to attract good luck, prosperity 

Moneycontrol News November 9, 2023

With Dhanteras  around the corner,  shoppers have already  begun buying items  they consider  auspicious for the  festival to honour  Goddess Lakshmi  and attract wealth  and prosperity. So, here are the  five best possible  buying options for you  this Dhanteras:

It is believed that making significant purchases on this day will bring blessings from the goddess of fortune. So, here are the five best possible buying options for you this Dhanteras:

The word "Dhanteras" is a combination of  "dhan" (wealth) and  "teras" (thirteenth)  as it is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar  day of  Krishna Paksha,  in the Hindu  calendar month  of Ashvinor Kartika. 

Gold is a symbol of success and wealth and is considered an excellent investment in most Indian households especially when it comes to gold jewellery. Wearing gold jewellery during festivals is considered auspicious and is believed to be a sign of financial stability and prosperity. It is also something that people can rely on as a  long-term asset  which can be of  great help during difficult times.

1. Gold jewellery

If buying gold jewellery seems like an expensive option, you can consider opting for gold and silver coins.

2. Gold coin

They are some of the most sought-after purchases during Dhanteras and coins with engravings of Lord Ganesha or Goddess Lakshmi are considered to be extremely auspicious since they bring success, money and good fortune.

3. Gold ETFs or  Sovereign Gold Bonds

This Dhanteras, many of us would be rushing to shops to buy gold. While bars and coins are very liquid, their purity is not always guaranteed. They have storage costs and come with issues of retailer mark-ups and lower resale value. That is the reason Gold exchange-traded funds, gold mutual funds and Sovereign Gold Bonds have become popular.

4. Utensils

A budget-friendly option  for Dhanteras is kitchen  utensils which  are  useful in daily use and  also symbolise   prosperity -- especially  those made with brass  and copper.

5. Clothes

The most budget-friendly option in this list, buying new clothes on Dhanteras symbolises a new beginning marked by Diwali celebrations. New garments also represent renewal and add to the festive spirit as people dress in their best to celebrate the festival of lights.