How to keep your pets safe during Diwali

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Moneycontrol News November 9, 2023

Diwali is the festival of lights and joy, but the noise and pollution from firecrackers can leave your pets feeling anxious.

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Cats and dogs are both sensitive to loud noises – and firecrackers produce a sound of around 190 decibels, much above their auditory pain threshold. Here is how you can keep your pets safe and comfortable during Diwali

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Give your pets access to safe locations where they can hide if overwhelmed by the noise and smoke.

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Keep doors and windows closed as far as possible to minimise the loud sounds. 

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Play white noise to drown out the loud sounds of firecrackers.

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If your pet is breaking things or whining, be patient. It could be a sign of stress. Don't discipline or punish them for it.

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Treats which include hemp seed oil work great in calming your pet’s anxiety, according to some experts. But check with your vet first.

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Make sure your pet has access to clean water, food and their favourite toy or blanket – if they have one. 

Image credit: Pexels