7 Amazingly Healthy Snacks For Kids

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Fruit Kabobs: Skewer colorful fruit chunks for a fun and nutritious snack.

Veggie Sticks with Hummus: Sliced carrots, cucumbers, and hummus make a crunchy choice.

Yogurt Parfaits: Layer yogurt, granola, and berries for a tasty, protein-packed treat.

Air-Popped Popcorn: Skip butter and opt for seasoning with herbs or nutritional yeast.

Mini-Sandwiches: Create mini whole-grain sandwiches with lean proteins and veggies.

Cheese and Crackers: Offer whole grain crackers with slices of low-fat cheese.

Homemade Smoothies: Blend yogurt, fruits, and a bit of honey for a refreshing drink.