Volcanoes and their causes

Moneycontrol News November 14, 2023

Iceland declared a state of emergency on Friday after a series of powerful earthquakes rocked the country's southwestern Reykjanes peninsula, in what could be a precursor to a volcanic eruption. Here's everything you need to know about volcanoes:

What are volcanoes?

When a mountain opens downwards to a pool of molten rock below the earth's surface, it causes a volcano.

How do volcanoes erupt?

The earth's inner surfaces are so hot that certain rocks melt and develop into a thick substance called magma. When the magma erupts, it causes the lava, which leads to volcano eruption.

Why do volcanoes explode?

When lava has a lot of trapped gas, the pressure rises and gets released into explosive eruptions which produces volcanic ash.

Are volcanoes predictable?

Scientists feel 3 indicators such as small earthquakes, swelling on volcano's sides and increased emission from the mountain's vents could cause a volcano.