10 Ways to Spot a Thirsty Tree or Shrub

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Wilting Leaves: Look for drooping or wilting leaves, especially during non-dormant seasons.

Dry Soil: Check the soil about 2 inches deep – if it's dry, the plant may need water.

Leaf Curling: Some plants exhibit leaf curling as a sign of dehydration.

Dull or Yellowing Leaves: Lack of water can lead to a loss of vibrancy and yellowing.

Early Leaf Drop: Premature dropping of leaves can indicate stress from insufficient water.

Sparse Foliage: Thirsty plants may have reduced leaf density or fewer branches.

Surface Cracks in Soil: Dry, compacted soil can develop visible cracks on the surface.

Slow Growth: Stunted or slowed growth compared to normal patterns may signal water deficiency.