Gray Frame Corner

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Effective Ways To Remove Back Acne

Cut down on sugar and oil content

Sweet and oily foods can wreak havoc on your skin, causing more pimples. But if you could not resist the food, its never too late to start.

Consume gut-friendly foods

Try herbal tea and foods that are good for your gut to allow your body to detox. This way, you won’t have stomach problems, which are frequently the cause of acne breakouts.

Wear loose and breathable fabrics

Another way to keep body acne at bay is to dress in loose, non-irritating clothes that allow your skin to breathe. Tight clothing can trap dirt, germs, and oils, resulting in blotches.

Exfoliate your skin

As part of the cell turnover process, dead skin cells rise to the surface to make way for new skin cells. Dead skin does not always shed naturally. If you don’t remove the dead skin, it can clog your pores and cause acne.

Assess your lifestyle

Examine your diet, sleep habits, and overall lifestyle, as these can all have an impact on body acne.