5 Ways to Improve Your English Vocabulary

Producer:  Mehak Pal

Learning vocabulary is an important part of learning a language. The more you learn new words and phrases, the better you can communicate your needs, ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

 Here are five ways to improve your English vocabulary.

Note down new words

Try to write down new words as it helps you remember them better.

Read in English

Surround yourself with people speaking the language as it can help you learn new vocabulary. You can create a group and speak with them in the same language.

Learn from context

Try to learn from the context of the word. It can help you with how a word is used in a sentence.

Reading newspapers, blogs, books, and magazines

When you read a newspaper, blog, book, or magazine you come across various new words. Write down those words and refer to a dictionary to know their meanings. Use those words in various sentences for a better understanding.


Watching English dramas, movies, or rhymes can help improve your vocabulary. You can learn the different words and their pronunciation.