Vastu Tips For Each Zodiac Sign For 2024

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Aries: Face east while working for enhanced energy flow and career success.

Taurus: Maintain a clutter-free space, especially in the northwest, for financial stability.

Gemini: Keep the northeast well-lit to boost intellectual pursuits and clarity.

Cancer: Enhance the southwest sector for family harmony; use calming colors.

Leo: Prioritize the southeast corner for prosperity; incorporate vibrant colors.

Virgo: Focus on the northwest for networking opportunities; keep the area organized.

Libra: Place a mirror in the north to attract positive energy and opportunities.

Scorpio: Strengthen the south with red hues for passion and career advancements.

Sagittarius: Optimize the northeast with plants for spiritual growth and wisdom.

Capricorn: Arrange the southeast with crystals for financial success and stability.

Aquarius: Activate the east with symbols of growth for career advancements.

Pisces: Decorate the west with calming elements for emotional balance and well-being.