7 Plants to Grow For Cats

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Catnip: Loved by most cats, catnip (Nepeta cataria) induces a temporary state of euphoria.

Cat Grass: Aids digestion and helps prevent hairballs; wheatgrass is a popular choice.

Valerian: Valeriana officinalis attracts cats with its root's scent, providing feline enjoyment.

Lemongrass: Cats appreciate the citrusy scent, and it adds a pleasant aroma to your space.

Silver Vine: Similar to catnip, silver vine (Actinidia polygama) elicits a playful response in cats.

Spider Plant: Non-toxic and attractive to cats, spider plants provide entertainment without harm.

Cat Thyme: Teucrium marum, or cat thyme, is a safe alternative to regular thyme, attracting cats with its fragrance.