Love bombing: The toxic dating trend that the UK recognises as a sign of abuse

Love bombing is a new trend in dating that most people are unaware of and unable to identify.

According to experts, it is a form of emotional abuse.

Love bombing is when a partner shows excessive love and affection but disregards boundaries and manipulates or controls your life.

The purpose is to enhance ego by gaining power over those being pursued.

Love bombing can involve constant compliments, grand gestures, and expensive gifts, which makes it hard to spot.

Another problem with identifying love bombing is that it can happen anytime and by any person in a relationship.

A therapist suggests it's usually a sign of narcissistic personality disorder.

The narcissist typically switches and becomes very difficult, abusive, or manipulative

Love bombing isn’t uniformed and experts advise being vigilant for signs of it.

The most important and biggest red flag that you may be a victim of love bombing is excessive attention and praise.

Once a love bomber has established trust and dependency they go through a withdrawing stage.

Another tell-tale sign of love bombing is lavishing gifts on a person.

Intense jealousy and ensuring that you don’t have time for another relationship is another sign of being love bombed.

The UK's Crown Prosecution Service has revised its guidelines to include harmful ways abusive partners control and manipulate people.

Turning to someone outside the relationship can be helpful in recognising a manipulative person.

Once you have identified that you are dealing with a love bomber, you could have a conversation and set boundaries with them.

However, in very extreme cases the best option is to seek help from agencies dealing with domestic abuse.