World Television Day

Recognition of Television's Impact:  World Television Day serves as a global acknowledgment of the profound impact television has on societies worldwide, recognizing its role as a powerful medium for communication and information dissemination

UN General Assembly Designation:  Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996, the day highlights the importance of television in facilitating the free flow of information and shaping public opinion on a global scale

Promotion of Freedom of Expression:  The day emphasizes the significance of freedom of expression in the realm of television, encouraging broadcasters to uphold and promote the values of free speech and diverse viewpoints

Cultural Diversity in Broadcasting:  World Television Day underscores the importance of cultural diversity in television programming, urging broadcasters to create content that reflects and respects the richness of different cultures around the world

Education and Information Dissemination:  Television has been a vital tool for education and information dissemination. The day acknowledges its role in providing educational content, news coverage, and other informative programs to a broad audience.

Global Communication Platform:  Television is recognized as a global communication platform that connects people across borders, fostering understanding and awareness of diverse perspectives, cultures, and issues

Evolution of Television Technology:  As technology evolves, World Television Day serves as a reflection point for the ongoing transformations in television, including the rise of digital platforms, streaming services, and changes in viewing habits