Brush Stroke

8 Tips To Extend Your Phone's Battery Life

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Smartphones these days are a necessity. Its uses include the likes of booking a cab, ordering food and even making payment.

They are quite powerful which means handling these tasks is easy.

But all this power puts a strain on the phone's battery.

Thankfully there are some tips that can help extend your phone's battery life; we have 8 of them for you.

Make sure to update your phone to the latest OS version; limit the use of location tracking.

Don't keep Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on all the time; dim the brightness of the screen.

Use dark mode to preserve the battery; disable push notifications which also consumes power.

Control the temperature of the device by charging it judiciously.

Opt for features like optimised charging for overnight support.