5 Winter Root Vegetables and Their Health Benefits

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey


The high amount of vitamin C present in this vegetable helps boost immunity and fight off infections. Other nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and other antioxidants supply other benefits like promoting bone health and protecting against free radical damage. 


Carrots contain beta carotene, which has various health benefits. It helps prevent heart diseases and improves eyesight. It also contains a ton of fibre, which promotes digestion and keeps you feeling full for a long time. 


Beets are popular for being low in fat and high in nutrients. This abundant source of nitrate helps maintain blood pressure levels and improves cardiac health. The antioxidants present in them help detoxify the body, which, in turn, promotes skin and hair health.

Spring onion

The fibre-rich spring onions help maintain blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels. They’re loaded with fiber and so can aid digestion. They are also packed with antioxidants that are said to help reduce the risk of developing cancers.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are immensely rich in fibre and nutrients so it keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time, preventing binge eating and helping you lose weight. It is also good for controlling blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.