Happy Feet:  9 tips to keep your heels crack-free

Wash your feet regularly with warm water and gentle soap, and then dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes.

Wash regularly

The first step towards happy feet is to remove chafed skins off the foot. It looks bad, and deteriorates your healthy skin. 

Remove dry skin

Add a pinch of salt to hot water and immerse your feet in it. Clean them with a shower gel after 10 minutes and moisturise. 

Soak your feet in warm water

Scrubbing your feet not only helps prevent ugly calluses, but also gives relief to achy feet. Once a week is more than enough, but if you have extremely parched feet, go for twice a week.

Foot scrub

Rice flour is an excellent exfoliant that may also be used to treat cracked heels and rough skin.

Use rice flour scrub

It may sound strange, but applying mask and leaving it for about 10 minutes can activate the charm of your feet. It also aids in the removal of dead skins left behind by foot scrub.

Foot mask

Oil massage has long been used to treat dry skin. It deeply hydrates rough, dry, cracked feet, preventing additional damage and leading to rapid recovery.

Oil massage

Stubborn foot calluses? Opt for a chemical peel for effective removal. However, consult your dermatologist beforehand.

Opt for chemical peels

In addition to getting the ideal shoe size, you should seek sufficient arch support in your footwear for maximum comfort and balance while walking.

Chose right shoes