7 Plants That Look Good In The House

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Snake Plant: Known for its air-purifying qualities, the snake plant has striking upright leaves and is low-maintenance.

ZZ Plant: Resilient and adaptable, the ZZ plant has glossy, dark green leaves that can thrive in low-light conditions.

Spider Plant: With arching leaves and baby spider plantlets, it adds a touch of greenery and is easy to care for.

Peace Lily: Featuring elegant white blooms, peace lilies are effective at improving indoor air quality and can thrive in shade.

Pothos: A popular choice, pothos vines add a cascade of greenery and are known for their ability to tolerate various light conditions.

Fiddle Leaf Fig: With large, violin-shaped leaves, the fiddle leaf fig is a trendy and visually appealing choice for interior decor.

Aloe Vera: Besides its medicinal properties, aloe vera's succulent leaves add a modern and refreshing touch to indoor spaces.