Exercises you must try to reduce  Thigh Fat

Squats:  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  Lower your body by bending your knees and hips.  Keep your back straight and chest up.  Return to the starting position

Lunges:  Take a step forward with one leg, lowering your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.  Push off the front foot to return to the starting position.  Repeat on the other leg

Leg Press:  Using a leg press machine, push the platform away from your body by extending your knees.  Lower the platform back down, keeping your knees at a 90-degree angle

Step-Ups:  Step onto a bench or sturdy platform, pushing through the heel of your top foot.  Bring the opposite foot up, then step back down.  Alternate legs

Inner Thigh Leg Lifts: Lie on your side with your bottom leg slightly bent.  Lift your top leg towards the ceiling, engaging your inner thigh.  Lower it back down without letting it touch the bottom leg

Outer Thigh Leg Lifts:  Lie on your side with your top leg straight. Lift your top leg away from the bottom leg, engaging your outer thigh.  Lower it back down without letting it touch the bottom leg

Bridges:  Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes.  Lower your hips back down