5 Leaves You Should Eat On Empty Stomach To Reduce Cholesterol

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Moringa leaves

Moringa is also known as a drumstick. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, iron and zinc which are very important for our health. Apart from that, it also has anti-inflammatory properties, which help prevent cholesterol from accumulating in the arteries.

Curry leaves

Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants and can also help control cholesterol. They are also good for the skin as well as the hair.

Tulsi leaves

According to several reports, tulsi leaves remove bad cholesterol from the blood. So people with high cholesterol should chew it daily on an empty stomach. One can also make tea with basil leaves.

Neem leaves

If you chew neem leaves daily on an empty stomach, your cholesterol level will be under control. They not only lower cholesterol but also reduce the risk of stroke.

Blackberry leaves

Blackberry leaves are also considered very effective for cholesterol health. They are also helpful in reducing bad cholesterol. One can boil 3-4 leaves in a cup of water and then add honey and drink it on an empty stomach.