6 Traits of Toxic Friends

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Genuine friends are a valuable source of emotional and practical support in our lives

Research suggests that those with good friends experience less stress, leading to better mental and physical health.

Trusting toxic friends can be detrimental, as they may not provide the support, empathy or loyalty needed, when you truly require it. 

Look out for these 6 traits in a toxic friend and beware!

Opportunist: Toxic friends may be around when they need something, but can vanish when you need their assistance. If your friend exhibits such behaviour, it’s better to distance yourself. 

Selfish: Relationships with toxic friends may feel one-sided, where they only talk about themselves and show little interest in your life. They would often act selfish and self-absorbed.

Unreliable: Toxic friends may not fulfil promises and can abandon you in crucial moments. It can be challenging to trust them with anything.

Unfaithful: These friends may not be faithful and could share your secrets or spread rumours about you behind your back. It’s essential to be cautious about trusting them with sensitive information.

Disrespectful: Toxic friends can disrespect you, turning situations against you and tarnishing your reputation. They can even humiliate you in front of a crowd, which will not only hurt your sentiments but would negatively impact your self-esteem.

Jealous: Such friends may feel threatened by your successes, leading to envy. They would always try to find faults in your achievements and would try brainwashing you in the other direction, ultimately ruining your happiness.