9 grooming secrets every man should swear by

Take care of your nails Long nails are unattractive on men. Dust can also build in them, making them unhygienic. Make it a practice to have them cut on a regular basis or to get manicures.

Get your hair cut Unless you have a particularly long hairstyle, getting haircuts on a regular basis is vital. For most men, every two-four week is ideal.

Exfoliate on a regular basis Exfoliation is no longer reserved for the females. Apart from washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser, exfoliating at least once a month is the best approach to care for your face.

Your beard matters Don't forget about your facial hair. Shaving your beard and moustache on a regular basis keeps them tidy and under control. The best time to do it is after your daily shower, when your skin is especially smooth and supple.

Care for your teeth People are drawn to you because of your smile. So, dental care is a crucial. It does not stop with brushing your teeth, include mouthwash, dental floss, and a nice toothbrush.

Use face wash and moisturiser Make it a practice to wash your face as soon as you enter the house from the outside. It is also critical to moisturise your skin in order to maintain it healthy and protect it from the harshness of the sun and temperature.

Wear a sunscreen Do not underestimate the necessity of protecting your face from the sun, even in the winter and on rainy days. A SPF 15 sunscreen is a must-have item in every man's grooming kit.

Avoid biting lips Take care of your lips by using lip balm and avoiding biting or licking them.

Feet Take care of your feet by washing, drying and moisturising them.