Walt Disney's Birthday: Glimpse into the life of a legend

Birth and Early Life: Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois.

Co-Founder of Disney Brothers Studio: In 1923, Disney, and his brother Roy O. Disney, co-founded the Disney Brothers Studio 

The Company: It later became The Walt Disney Company

Creation of Mickey Mouse: In 1928, Disney introduced Mickey Mouse in the short film ‘Steamboat Willie’.

Mascot of Mickey Mouse: Mickey Mouse became the iconic mascot of Disney.

Expansion into Animation:  Disney revolutionized animation, introducing synchronized sound and color, with the creation of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in 1937

Disneyland Dream: Walt Disney's dream of creating an amusement park happened with the opening of Disneyland in Anaheim in California

Expansion into Television: He ventured into television with shows like ‘The Mickey Mouse Club’ and ‘Disneyland'

Awards and Recognitions: He received numerous awards, including 22 Academy Awards. He holds the record for the most Oscar wins by a person

Death and Legacy: Walt Disney passed away on December 15, 1966, but his legacy lives on