Busting fake news around weight loss: Foods that don't make you fat

Many people follow the general guideline of reducing food items that helps gain weight and include meals that promote weight loss. It looks simple, but is not.

However, behind healthy and successful weight loss, there are several additional factors at work. 

Like potatoes, which are indeed high in starch and carbs (good ones). But are also high in vitamin C, which boosts immunity, and fibre, which promotes easy digestion of meals and aids in weight loss.

Similarly, spices like cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, fennel seeds, cardamom, used in tea are known for excellent fat-burning properties, according to Economic Times

Contrary to popular belief, white rice is not a weight loss villain. It has high carb and starch content, but because it is also simple to digest, it doesn't cause fat to build up.

It's actually a good idea to build your body for a good workout, while avoiding binge eating. This can be done by making a decent homemade protein smoothie without sugar and using natural protein-rich meals.

Everything in moderation is good. Thus, while adding protein, one needs to be mindful. A Clinical Nutrition study found one can easily consume roughly 30 grams protein in one shake.

Although oats are high in fibre, they also contain a lot of carbs. However, a dietician claims that eating oats won't make you gain weight since, if eaten wisely since they contain healthy carbs. 

People avoid eggs, especially the yolk, as they are thought to be fatty. You should be aware that the yolk alone accounts for 90 per cent of the calcium in an egg.

It is also a good source of protein and vitamin D3. Therefore, eggs are a healthy meal choice for the body. 

Additionally, going to sleep hungry also won't help with weight loss. It will show itself in your carb cravings the next day.