6 Ways to Protect Your Pet from Cold This Winter

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Keep them indoors

Just like humans, animals feel cold. If the temperature outside is too low, then it is best to keep your pet inside the house and not take them out for long walks.

Keep them warm

If your fur baby is feeling cold inside the house, keep them wrapped in warm clothes. If you want to take them out for a short walk, make them wear clothes to keep them warm and cosy, so that the cold winds do not affect them and make them fall sick.

Do not shave the fur

Shaving the fur of your pet, especially dogs, in the summer season is ideal as it will help them regulate the temperature of their body. In winter, the fur will protect them from the dipping temperatures and keep the body warm from the cold.

Don’t let them sleep on the floor

If you are someone who doesn’t like to share the bed with your furry friend, then make sure you have a separate dog bed or a warm blanket spread on the cold floor during the winter season. Sleeping on the cold floor directly can make them fall sick.

Hydration is important

Just like humans, animals too need to be hydrated during the winter season. Due to the cold temperature, one may not feel too thirsty. Make sure you keep your pets hydrated. Offer them water every 2 to 3 hours.

Health checkup

If you feel your dog looks sick, lazy or lethargic or is not eating and drinking properly then it’s best to take them to the doctor. Pay attention to the daily activities and see if anything seems out of place.