9 Tips to Turn Yellow Money Plant Leaves to Green

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Ensure proper soil drainage and let the top inch of soil dry before watering.

Repot the money plant if the existing soil is compacted or retains too much water.

Standing water at the pot's bottom can cause yellowing leaves and root issues.

Ideal humidity for money plants is in rooms with medium humidity; add humidity by spraying leaves or placing a water tray nearby if it's too dry.

Ideal humidity for money plants is in rooms with medium humidity; add humidity by spraying leaves or placing a water tray nearby if it's too dry.

Money plants prefer bright indirect light; excessive direct sunshine can lead to yellowing leaves.

Watch for pests like aphids or spider mites causing yellowing and remove affected leaves to redirect the plant's energy.

To promote fresh growth, prune yellow or broken leaves, redirecting the plant's energy towards healthier sections.

Check your plant regularly for signs of pests such as spider mites or aphids

Ensure your money plant is planted in well-draining potting soil.