5 tips to use retinol safely on your face

Moneycontrol News December 7, 2023

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Images: UnSplash

Retinol is a powerful agent for improving skin texture and reducing fine lines.  However, it's important to use it carefully to minimise potential side effects.

1. Start slowly

Begin with a lower retinol concentration if you’re are new to it. This lets your skin to get used to the product and reduces the risk of irritation. You can gradually increase the concentration.

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2. Use sunscreen

Retinol makes skin sensitive to sunlight. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 in the the day, even on cloudy days. Sunscreen cuts risk of irritation when using retinol.

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3. Moisturise

Retinol can sometimes cause dryness or flakiness. To counteract this, use a good moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated.

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4. Avoid mixing

Avoid using products with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and vitamin C at the same time as retinol, unless directed by a dermatologist.

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5. Use at night

Retinol is usually applied at night as it can break down and become less effective when exposed to sunlight.

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