10 healthy and satisfying alternatives to white rice

Brown Rice Consume brown rice, which provides more fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It also improves digestion and sustains energy levels.

Quinoa Known as a complete protein, quinoa is an excellent substitute for rice. It is rich in fibre, essential amino acids, and several nutrients. It further supports muscle development and overall well-being.

Cauliflower Rice For a low-carb and nutrient-dense alternative, try cauliflower rice. Simply grate or pulse cauliflower in a food processor to achieve a rice-like texture. 

Wild Rice With a distinct nutty flavour, wild rice is a whole grain that offers more protein, fibre, and antioxidants than white rice. It adds a unique texture to dishes and contributes to heart health.

Barley Barley is a versatile grain that is high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It improves digestive health and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Couscous (Whole Wheat) Whole-wheat couscous is a healthier option than regular couscous as it is richer in fibre and protein. As couscous pearls are significantly smaller than rice grains, they add a unique texture to the foods served with them.

Forbidden Black Rice Also known as ‘purple rice’, this whole grain is rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins. It has a slightly sweet flavour and chewy texture, providing a visually appealing and nutrient-packed alternative to white rice.

Rice with Chickpeas Chickpea rice can be made by cooking chickpeas into rice-sized bits. It is a nutritious meal that can be a good substitute for white rice. 

Sweet Potato Rice The nutritious sweet potato rice adds a naturally sweet flavour to your meals while also contributing to overall health.

Farro Farro is a type of ancient grain related to wheat. It tastes nutty and has a chewy texture, making it a good option for soups, stews, and pilafs.