How To Get Rid Of Dandruff At Home

Apply this antimicrobial and antifungal oil on your scalp to stop dandruff.

Tea Tree Oil

It's like a superhero for your hair. It even helps clear acne.

Before washing, put aloe vera gel on your scalp for 20 minutes.

Aloe Vera

It helps shield your scalp from dandruff and feels super soothing.

Mix a bit with your shampoo or combine with essential oil and spray.

Apple cider vinegar

This old trick is great for saying goodbye to dandruff troubles.

It contains citric acid that helps balance the scalp's pH levels.

Lemon Juice

Mix lemon juice with oil and put it on your scalp 20 mins before rinsing.

Try a salt scrub for oily dandruff or a sugar scrub for moisture.


Both salt and sugar help in scalp exfoliation.