Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Zodiac Signs to Get Lucky in 2024


 Leo is poised for success in 2024 as Jupiter bestows its benevolent influence upon its 10th house. For those in existing roles, Jupiter enhances innate leadership traits, leading to acknowledgement, promotions, and significant professional advancement. 


For Aquarians, 2024 holds the promise of a transformative year, particularly in their professional endeavours. Jupiter takes centre stage by influencing the career sector. This suggests significant growth and recognition in the workplace.


In 2024, Jupiter’s presence in the 2nd house of Aries signals a year of notable career advancement and financial prosperity. For employed Aries individuals, this period may signify a phase of professional elevation. 


Sagittarius shines as Jupiter’s expansive and benevolent influence graces its 6th house. Employed Sagittarians can anticipate a substantial enhancement in their professional pursuits. Jupiter’s presence indicates a phase of expansion and acknowledgement.


In 2024, the intuitive and empathetic Cancer can anticipate a favourable stroke of luck, especially in the professional realm, owing to Jupiter’s auspicious alignment in the 11th house. Employed Cancerians are poised for unparalleled growth.