Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

7 Tips to Protect Your Skin During Winters

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A common problem for many of us as winter approaches is dry skin.

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It’s all too easy to overlook the sun when it comes to shielding your skin from the effects of the winter.

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But the truth is that even in the winter, the sun’s UV rays can seriously harm your skin and reduce its natural beauty.

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For normal to dry skin, petroleum- or cream-based moisturisers are preferable over lotions. After taking a bath, apply moisturiser straight to your damp skin so that it can help retain surface moisture.

Moisturise Daily

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The natural moisturisers in the skin are removed by excessive cleansing. Washing your hands, feet, face, and in between your skin folds once a day is sufficient.

Wash Your Face, But Don’t Go Overboard

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Go for a cleanser whose pH falls between 4.5 and 5.5, which is the natural range for your skin. To prevent damaging the skin’s protective layer, which can cause increased dehydration and sensitivity, use a pH-balanced cleanser.

Pick A pH-balanced Cleanser

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Your lips and eyes are particularly vulnerable to winter dryness because the sensitive skin surrounding them does not have oil glands. To maintain the moisture content of these areas, use creams made especially for them.

Extra Attention to Lips and Eyes

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It is advisable to avoid spending too much time outside in the afternoon or between 10 am and 2 pm due to the sun’s more potent UV rays. Wear a hat, sunscreen, and protective clothes, among other measures.

Avoid Mid-Day Sun

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Sunscreen protection is important, but you also need to make sure you’re getting adequate vitamin D. Foods high in vitamin D, such as milk, fish, eggs, and fortified cereals, are necessary for strong immune systems, healthy skin, and strong bones.

Get Adequate Vitamin D

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The sun’s rays can still be strong and harmful to your skin, even in the winter. Remember to use sunscreen to prevent sun damage to your skin, especially if you spend a lot of time outside.

Sunscreen is Very Important