9 easy ways to warm up your feet

Choose right socks

Thicker is not necessarily warmer when it comes to selecting socks for winters. Opt for woollen socks, which are the warmest material, as they both repel and absorb water.

Breathable boots

Choose breathable, waterproof boots that allow perspiration to escape from your feet. It's best to avoid heels, fancy dress shoes or loose trainers for the winter months.

Warm innersoles

It provides an extra layer between your socks and boots, which will not only make you feel warmer but also reduce unpleasant odours, giving extra comfort.

Stay active

Engaging in physical activities like walking, running, jumping, and exercise will boost your blood circulation to the extremities, resulting in warmer feet.

Remove moisture from footwear

Make sure your boots remain moisture free. Dry them out everyday by using scrunched up newspaper until you wear them again.

Get warm slippers

If you follow the no-shoes rule inside your house, wear insulated slippers to keep your feet warm.

Keep your body warm

It's difficult to warm up your feet when the rest of your body is frigid. Put on an additional jumper, wrap yourself in a blanket or bath in a hot bath. You'll be able to warm your feet more effectively once you've warmed up your core.

Cover feet at night

If your feet are cold at night, wearing socks to bed can help keep them warm.

Keep other socks ready

Always keep an extra pair of socks handy in case your socks become damp.